Best College Savings & Funding Options (Pt 2 of 2) with Eric Zheng, Arun Mani, & Edvard Janvier

In this Part 2 of our podcast, Eric, Arun & Edvard Janvier continue diving into a hot topic of #BestCollegeSavingsOptions, explaining nuances, critical #DecidingFactors as well as #FAQs people continue to ask on #CollegeFunding and #529, Life Insurance, UGMA, UTMA, ESA. Additionally, their insightful thoughts and takeaways on why becoming financially literate on this topic are critical at earlier ages are truly called to action! You can check out Part 1 of this podcast of this pod where we introduce 529, Life Insurance, UGMA, UTMA, and ESA and go through the Pros, Cons, Benefits, and Drawbacks.
Our panel consists of 3 charismatic, thoughtful gentlemen:
– Eric Zheng: is a very detail-oriented Financial Professional, a dad of 3 boys and speaks English, Chinese and Japanese.
– Arun Mani: strategist, trader, an investor with a passion for helping people gain financial literacy; and dad of 2 girls and speaks English, Hindi, and Tamil.
– Edvard Janvier: Husband, Dad of two girls, and minister; shepherding people both spiritually and financially and fluent in English, French, Haitian Creole